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Nomie 6 Plugins [WIP]

Nomie Plugins allows people who are familiar with HTML and Javascript to create entirely new methods of tracking and monitoring data within Nomie 6.


Nomie Plugins use iframes to load and communicate with “plugins”. So this really just means, a plugin is a hosted HTML page, that has some extra javascript to request data to and from Nomie. We do this by using postMessage and window.onMessage to securely pass data between Nomie and your Plugin.





This library abstracts the responsibility of posting messages and listening for messages into simple async calls. This document outlines the specific functions of nomie-plugin.js.

Including the nomie-plugin.js library

<script src="">

new NomiePlugin({pluginDetails})

Once you’ve included nomie-plugin.js you’ll have access to the NomiePlugin class within the documents window.

const plugin = new NomiePlugin({
  name: "Weather",
	emoji: "⛈",
  description: "Get todays weather for your current location",
  uses: ["createNote", "onLaunch", "getLocation"],
  version: "1.0",
  addToCaptureMenu: true,
  addToMoreMenu: true,
  addToWidgets: false,

Describe your plugin using the following properties:

  • name: The name of your plugin
  • emoji: The Emoji that best describes your plugin
  • description: a description of your plugin - this field does support Markdown formatting.
  • uses: 🚨 An array of specific features that are blocked by default, and require access to be granted by the User.
  • version: The current version of the plugin. If you need to add uses functions, you need to bump your version
  • addToCaptureMenu: (true | false) Include a menu item in the Capture Menu that opens the Plugin
  • addToMoreMenu: (true | false) Include a menu item in Nomie’s More tab that opens the Plugin
  • addToWidgets: (true | false) Add this plugin as a selectable Dashboard Widget

Plugin Methods

Methods marked with uses:[] are blocked by default. You must specifically define these function names in the uses array - this helps ensure users are fully aware of the data this plugin can access.

plugin.createNote(string | log)

Create a new journal entry in Nomie.

uses: [’createNote’] is required for this method

plugin.createNote("This is a Note");

// Or with options
	note: "This is a Note",
	end: new Date('2010-10-11'),
	lat: 40.00,
	lng: -83.00,
	location: 'Pizza House',
	score: 3


Fires off each time the user launches Nomie

uses: [’onLaunch’] is required for this method

  console.log("☔️☔️ weather plugin - onLaunch");


uses: [’onNote’] is required for this method

Fires off when the user save a new journal entry within Nomie - that is not SILENCED. Silenced saves are ones that do not trigger a onNote call. This includes entries created from the API, entires created by plugins, or entries that have been edited.

	console.log("Note text", note.note)
	console.log("Note Date", note.end)
	console.log("Note Score", note.score)
	console.log("Note Elements (raw trackable data)", note.elements)


uses: [’getLocation’] is required for this method

Get the users current location

const location = await plugin.getLocation();
if(location) {
	console.log(`User is located at ${},${location.lng}`)


Open the URL of a template within Nomie.


plugin.getTrackableUsage({tag, endDate, daysBack })

uses: [’getTrackableUsage’] is required for this method

Get trackable usage stats for a given period of time.

  • tag: string representing the trackable - for example #mood, @mom, +vacation
  • endDate: the last Date of data you’d like - as a javascript date
  • daysBack: the number of days you’d like data for - max is 90
const call = await plugin.getTrackableUsage({ tag:'#alcohol', daysBack: 30 });
const usage = call.usage;
console.log("Trackable Values", usage.values); // array of values by day
console.log("Trackable Values", usage.dates); // array of dates 

plugin.searchNotes(term, endDate, daysBack=7)

uses: [’searchNotes’] is required for this method

Search through all data notes stored in Nomie for a given term, and time frame.

  • term: undefined or a string
  • endDate: last day of data to retrieve
  • daysBack: number of Days to include in the search
const notes = await plugin.searchNotes('#mood', new Date(), 30);
if(notes) {
		console.log(`This note: ${entry.note}`);


Select multiple Trackables

uses: [’selectTrackables’] is required for this method

  • type: undefined | tracker | context | person - the type of trackables to show the user
  • multiple: true | false - if the user can select multiple trackables or not
  • returns: Promise<Array<trackables>>
const mutipleTrackables = await plugin.selectTrackables(null, true);
const justOneTrackable = await plugin.selectTrackables(null);
const justAPersonTrackable = await plugin.selectTrackables('person');


Selects a single Trackable

uses: [’selectTrackables’] is required for this method

  • type: undefined | tracker | context | person - the type of trackables to show the user
  • returns: Promise<Trackable>
const justAPersonTrackable = await plugin.selectTrackable('person');


Convert a tag into the full trackable object, if the user has it configured.

const trackable = await plugin.getTrackable('#mood');
console.log(`${trackable.emoji} ${trackable.tag} is a ${trackable.type} type`);
// If it's a tracker
// if its a context
// if its a person


Need a specific value for a trackable? Using getTrackableInput, the user will be prompted to provide an input for the specified trackable. If it’s a person or context, the value will be return immediately, if its a tracker, then the tracker specific input will be displayed.

const sleep = await plugin.getTrackableInput('#sleep');


Each time Nomie launches, it will register the plugin

plugin.onRegistered(async () => {
  if (!'apikey')) {
    const res = await plugin.prompt('OpenWeatherMap API Key', 
      `OpenWeatherMap API Required. Get your [FREE API key here](`)
    if (res && res.value) {'apikey', res.value);

plugin.openNoteEditor(str | noteObject)

Open up Nomie’s full size Note editor for a given note.

plugin.openNoteEditor("Just as a string");
// or
plugin.openNoteEditor({ note: 'this is a note', lat: 34, lng: -81, score: 2 })

plugin.prompt(title, message)

Request a value from the User. This will bring up Nomie’s prompt alert box with an input field where the user can input a response.

let res = await plugin.prompt('API Key Needed', 'You can get your API Key at [this link](http://somelink)');
if(res.value) {
	console.log(`They provided ${res.value}`)

plugin.confirm(title, message)

Ask the user to confirm an action - for example: Save this Item?

let res = await plugin.confirm('Save this item?', 'You can delete it later');
if(res.value) {
	console.log("They confirmed it");
} else {
	console.log("They DID NOT CONFIRM it");

plugin.alert(title, message)

Alert the user that something happened. It’s a better experience than just the browsers default alert()

plugin.alert('This item was deleted', 'It is gone forever.');

openURL(url, title)

Open any URL in a modal within Nomie.


User Preferences

When a plugin is registered it will be passed a set of user preferences for localization, theme and location settings. You can access these preferences from the plugin.prefs object

console.log(`The week starts on ${plugin.prefs.weekStarts}`);
  • plugin.prefs.theme: "light" - user theme
  • plugin.prefs.use24Hour: true or false - does the user prefer 24 hour times
  • plugin.prefs.useLocation: true or false - can we access the users location
  • plugin.prefs.useMetric: true or false - does the user prefer metric
  • plugin.prefs.weekStarts: sunday or monday - first day of the week
  • plugin.prefs.language: the users selected language (en-us);


The Nomie Plugin supports reading and writing to a users Nomie storage engine - within an enclosed folder in the storage/plugins/{pluginId}

The storage class needs to be initialized which is async, this will pull the latest data and store it in memory.


Storage getItem works just like localStorage, except it can return full javascript objects, so you do not need to JSON.parse.

let key ='weather-api-key');
if(key) console.log(`We have a key! ${key}`);, value)

Storage setItem works just like localStorage, except you can save entire javascript objects, and you do not need to serialize it to a string.'weather-api-key', 12345678);

Example Plugins

You can try out the example plugins by copying and pasting the URL provided below in to Nomie’s Plugin manager (More Tab → Plugins)


Track the weather one time each day. This plugin will ask the user to get a free API key from OpenWeatherMap, and will record the weather one time a day.

URL for Nomie:



View this days note for every year you’ve used Nomie.

URL for Nomie:



Will test different features and functions of nomie-plugin.js this is completely unhelpful for non-technical people

URL for Nomie:



Installing a Plugin

  1. Go to the More Tab
  1. Select Plugins
  1. Click the + or Add Custom Plugin
  1. Provide the url for the plugin
  1. Tap Install Plugin

Testing Local Plugins within Nomie

By default browsers do not let insecure iframes to be called from a secure frame.

in order to test your local plugin within or you will need to tell your browser to allow insecure content for Nomie’s domain. Follow these instructions to make that change


Qestions? [email protected]

Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. Happy Data, LLC


Install to Homescreen

For the best experience, install Nomie on your home screen.

  1. Open in Mobile Safari
  2. Tap the share icon
  3. Scroll to and select "Add to Homescreen"

Nomie is a Progressive Web App

How to Install

  1. Open in Mobile Safari
  2. Tap the share icon
  3. Scroll to and select "Add to Homescreen"