nomie wordmark
Super Search

Historically searching in Nomie was segmented to the various types of data - searching notes, or searching trackers, or searching people. In Nomie 6 we’re introducing Super Search - a unified search interface that will search everything.

Available Commands

Super Search also searches common commands like:

  • Light / Dark for switching theme
  • Creating Trackables
  • Write Journal Entry
  • Open Library
  • Generate Backup

Install to Homescreen

For the best experience, install Nomie on your home screen.

  1. Open in Mobile Safari
  2. Tap the share icon
  3. Scroll to and select "Add to Homescreen"

Nomie is a Progressive Web App

How to Install

  1. Open in Mobile Safari
  2. Tap the share icon
  3. Scroll to and select "Add to Homescreen"